Results for 'Anatolii N. Krichevets'

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  1.  28
    The Transcendental Subject and the Diversity of Cognitive Frameworks.Anatolii N. Krichevets - 2012 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 50 (4):43-55.
    The author argues that mathematics develops through interaction among partial transcendental subjects that correspond to a specific established theory and a meta-subject that is an "inventor" of new theories and approaches. He suggests that this twofold structure has a close similarity to Kantian transcendental subject.
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    Historiography of Religious Studies: Polish Experience.Anatolii M. Kolodnyi & Oleksandr N. Sagan - 2004 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 30:79-83.
    With the publication of a book by a well-known Polish religious scholar, associate professor at the Jagiellonian University Institute of Religious Studies, Henrik Hoffmann, "History of Polish Studies in Religious Studies 1873-1939", it can be argued that Polish religious studies and scholars have become more sophisticated. religious studies. For the first time in Polish historiography, various information was collected about basic ideas developed by Polish religious scholars, one of the most complete bibliographies of their works was submitted. This attention to (...)
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    Confessional nature of Karaites and their right to confessional buildings.Anatolii M. Kolodnyi & Oleksandr N. Sagan - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 65:146-148.
    In some publications in book and newspaper forms, in the thoughts of civil servants who are concerned with national and religious issues, the version of Crimean Karaites belonging to Jewry still exists, considering their Karaite religion as a kind of Judaism only on the grounds that they have the Old Testament with their Holy Book The bible However, if one is to be strict in the logic of such reasoning, then Christianity should be included in Judaism, because in Christianity the (...)
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    Map of Religions of Ukraine.Anatolii M. Kolodnyi & Oleksandr N. Sagan - 2000 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 13:97-99.
    Ukraine is a multi-confessional state, where, as of January 1, 2000, 23 543 religious community organizations, monasteries, missions, fraternities, educational establishments belonging to 90 denominations, branches, churches are officially registered.. In their property or use, there are over 16 637 religious buildings. Confessions have opened 250 convents, 184 missions, 49 brotherhoods, 121 religious schools, 7,165 Sunday schools and catechesis offices, and 194 periodicals. Religious needs of believers are satisfied by 21 281 priests, of whom 650 are foreigners.
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    Дисциплінарне релігієзнавство. Тезовий виклад матеріалу.Anatolii M. Kolodnyi, Vitaliy Volodymyrovych Shevchenko, Oksana Gorkusha, Oleksandr V. Sarapin, Hanna M. Kulagina-Stadnichenko, N. Gavrilova, Mykhailo Yu Babiy, Liudmyla O. Fylypovych, Oleg Vasyliovych Buchma, Valentyna Anatoliyivna Bodak, Borys O. Lobovyk, Valeriy Volodymyrovych Klymov & R. Trachuk - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 49:5-82.
    Department of Philosophy of Religion The Department of Religious Studies of IF NASU during 2006-2008 carried out the specified planned theme. Below we present its sections in the summary. The full study material will be published in the monograph under the same title, which will be published by the end of 2009. The book can be used as a textbook on religious studies.
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    Expert opinion on "The Charter of Muslims Of Ukraine".Anatolii M. Kolodnyi & Oleksandr N. Sagan - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 79:117-118.
    Having considered the text of the "Charter of Muslims of Ukraine," the Department of Religious Studies firstly notes the positive fact of the emergence of a fundamentally new document that highlights the principles and approaches of the modern vision of the life of Muslim communities of Ukraine in a society with a dominant non-Muslim population. Moreover, unlike the famous "European Islamic Charter", which was adopted in 2008., the "Charter of Muslims of Ukraine" is a document more concrete and less declarative, (...)
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    Ukraine's Confessions in Digital Dimension.Anatolii M. Kolodnyi & Oleksandr N. Sagan - 1997 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 5:64-68.
    In 1996, the number of religious communities, united in about 70 denominations and religious areas, continued to grow and at the beginning of 1997 reached 18482. Their property or There are 11897 religious buildings. There are currently 172 monasteries in obedience to 3892 monks and nuns, 26 brotherhoods, 104 missions, 68 religious schools, 5032 Sunday schools and catechesis centers, 122 spiritual p periodicals, many of which, unfortunately, for one reason or another, only come out a few numbers a year. The (...)
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  8.  21
    The final document of the international symposium "Christianity and national idea".Anatolii M. Kolodnyi, Arsen Gudyma & Oleksandr N. Sagan - 1999 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 11:106-108.
    Participants of the symposium, having discussed the problem of the existence of Christianity in the context of national self-determination, the ethnoconclusion possibilities of the religious factor, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of Christianity in the political culture of society, the functioning and role of religion in the process of national self-determination of the state, the formation of ethnoconfessional self-consciousness.
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    Уривки з книги арсена річинського "проблеми української релігійної свідомості", конфісковані польським цензором у 1933 році.Arsen Gudyma, Anatolii M. Kolodnyi & Oleksandr N. Sagan - 2004 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 29:139-143.
    Arsen RYCHINSKY is a well-known public figure of the first half of the twentieth century. His work, "Problems of Ukrainian Religious Consciousness," printed in 1933, even with notes, caused dissatisfaction with the Polish authorities that dominated the western Ukrainian lands. Three times A. Richinsky was imprisoned. For the same work, in 1939, a talented ethnologist of religion was imprisoned by Bolshevik authorities.
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  10. Класифікація роздрібного банківського кредитування.Anatolii Kharchenko - 2014 - Схід 6 (132):36-41.
    Competition in retail banking lending forces banks to constantly analyze the proposed loan products and loan products to competitors, to develop and introduce new versions of products, improve existing conditions, taking into account the changing needs of the population, the provision of new social groups of potential borrowers, uses of credit and other factors. In the process, the banks are increasingly collaborating with sales, service, insurance and other organizations providing credit in conjunction with other services. The specificity of the emergence (...)
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  11.  3
    Ukrainian Fundamental Science – an Intellectual Factor in Shaping the Traditions and Values of European Civilization.Anatolii Pavko - 2024 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 1 (10):26-31.
    B a c k g r o u n d. This scientific investigation conducts a constructive-critical, comprehensive, and systematic analysis of the state, paradigms, and trends in the development of Ukrainian and European fundamental science. It highlights, at a synthetic level, the epistemological and social functions, historical mission, and vision of domestic science in shaping the traditions and values of European culture. The article draws attention to the significant contributions made by domestic scientists to the research of theoretical-methodological, epistemological, and (...)
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  12.  28
    Features of the study of language as an aspect of religious consciousness.Anatolii S. Ivanchenko - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 39:19-28.
    The purpose of this article is to shed light on the peculiarities of language functioning in the structure of a person's religious consciousness. The article is an attempt to actualize and rethink some of the scientific methods of contemporary religious discipline in the light of new research in psychology and linguistics. Much has been done along the way. The most notable specialized work of recent years on this topic can be considered "Language and religion" by N.B. Mechkovskaya, which was released (...)
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  13.  20
    Confirmation Bias in Argumentation Processes.Anatolii Konverskyi & Nataliia Kolotilova - forthcoming - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy.
    B a c k g r o u n d. The article is devoted to the study of confirmatory distortion as a cognitive bias within the framework of the modern theory of argumentation. In the context of this study, the effectiveness of the critical questioning technique as an argumentation strategy aimed at reducing the negative impact of confirmatory bias is considered. M e t h o d s. To achieve the goals of the research, the method of critical questions is (...)
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  14. Mystetstvo diĭsnistʹ i svoboda khudoz︠h︡nʹoï tvorchosti.Anatoliĭ Terentiĭovych Hordii︠e︡nko - 1966
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    Guide to the world of philosophers: Ask me, so that I may see you. Warburton, N. (2023). A little history of philosophy. (A. Markhovska, Trans.). Kyiv: Nash Format. [REVIEW]Anatolii Tekliuk - 2024 - Sententiae 43 (1):181-184.
    Review of Warburton, N. (2023). A little history of philosophy. (A. Markhovska, Trans.). Kyiv: Nash Format.
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    Research of the Relationship Between Perfectionism and Feelings of Loneliness of Youths.Olena Blynova, Tetyana Kostenko, Yurii Nesin, Olena Fedorova, Olena Chaban, Anatolii Pyslar & Ihor Popovych - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (2).
    The purpose of the study is a theoretical substantiation and empirical study of the psychological content parameters of the relationship between perfectionism and feelings of loneliness in youth. A new view of modern reality with its constant changes and increased requirements for the functioning of the individual in society has been substantiated. It is noted that such a view provokes the mass formation and spread of perfectionism and loneliness. It is noted that every day more and more people, especially young (...)
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  17.  7
    La relación jurídica natural.Rafael María de Balbín - 1985 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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  18. La justificación mixta del control judicial de constitucionalidad.José Sebastián Elías - 2019 - In Pablo César Riberi, Fundamentos y desafíos de la teoría constitucional contemporánea. [México]: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas.
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  19. Hanʼguk sahoe yulli ŭi tonghyang: Namsŏl Chŏng Ha-ŭn Paksa hwagap kinyŏm nonmunjip.Kŭn-su Hong & Ha-ŭn Chŏng (eds.) - 1988 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Hanul.
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    Chungdojŏk chinbo, haengbok kukka ro kanŭn kil: chungdo kaehyŏkchuŭi ŭi ch'ŏrhak kwa pijŏn.T'ae-yŏn Hwang - 2021 - Sŏul-si: Neksen Midiŏ.
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  21. Las lenguas indígenas y el español : una posible globalización lingüística y cultural?Miguel León Portilla - 2014 - In Diego Valadés & Adolfo Castañón, Lengua oficial y lenguas nacionales en México. México, D.F: Academia Mexicana de la Lengua.
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  22.  5
    Nuevos desafíos en el inicio de la vida: perspectivas ecuménicas en bioética: inicio de la vida humana, fertilización asistida, aborto.Rubén Revello & Daniel Carlos Beros (eds.) - 2014 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Editorial Croquis.
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  23.  12
    Ḥāshīyat al-ʻAllāmah al-Ṣabbān ʻalá sharḥ al-ʻAllāmah al-Mullawī ʻalá al-Sullam al-munuwraq fī ʻilm al-manṭiq.Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī Ṣabbān - 2015 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Baṣāʼir. Edited by Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd al-Fattāḥ Mullawī.
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    Sibīnūzā wa-falsafat al-adyān.Marwān Sallāmī - 2018 - Tūnis: Dār al-Salām.
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    Ėmpiricheskai︠a︡ ėstetika--informat︠s︡ionnyĭ podkhod: materialy mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo simpoziuma = Empirical aesthetics--informational approach: proceedi[n]gs of the interanational symposium.M. N. Afasizhev & V. M. Petrov (eds.) - 1997 - Taganrog: Taganrogskiĭ gos. radiotekhn. universitet.
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  26. Notas al pie de un zócalo vacío : situación del libro y de la lectura en México.Adolfo Castañón - 2014 - In Diego Valadés & Adolfo Castañón, Lengua oficial y lenguas nacionales en México. México, D.F: Academia Mexicana de la Lengua.
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  27.  9
    Tongyang sasang ŭi sidae chindan kwa pijŏn.Kyu-wŏn Kim (ed.) - 2018 - Taegu Kwangyŏksi: Kyemyŏng Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'anbu.
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  28. Chʻüeh-li wên hsien kʻao.Chi-fên Kʻung - 1967
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  29.  10
    al-Lughah al-ʻArabīyah wa-al-khaṭṭ wa-amākīn al-ʻilm wa-al-maktabāt al-tarjamah wa-āthāruhā.Ḥanān Qaraqūtī Shaʻbān - 2006 - Bayrūt: Majd, al-Muʼassasah al-Jāmiʻīyah lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  30.  17
    Hermeneutika és demokrácia: tanulmányok Fehér M. István tiszteletére.M. István Fehér & Miklós Nyírő (eds.) - 2017 - Budapest: MTA-ELTE Hermeneutika Kutatócsoport.
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    Comment by Thomas N. Munson.Thomas N. Munson - 1970 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 1:85-88.
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  32.  9
    Nongam Kim Chʻang-hyŏp ŭi chʻŏrhak sasang yŏnʼgu.Chʻŏn-sŭng Yi - 2006 - Kyŏnggi-do Pʻaju-si: Hanʼguk Haksul Chŏngbo.
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  33. Maqam-i vāldain aur auvlād: dil va jan se mān̲ bāp..Rājah Shabbīr K̲h̲ān - 2004 - Mīrpūr: ʻAzīz Buk Ḍipo.
    On the eminence and dignity of parents; in the light of Koran and Hadith (Islamic traditions).
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  34. Filosofii︠a︡ dukha N. A. Berdi︠a︡eva.Roman N. Redlikh - 1972
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  35.  15
    Aproximaciones al pensamiento de Rodolfo Kusch.Pablo Javier Aguzín, Darío Maroño & Gabriel Miranda (eds.) - 2019 - Rosario, Provincia de Santa Fe, República Argentina: Editorial Fundación Ross.
    Aproximación al pensamiento de Rodolfo Kusch -- Canto e identidad en el Martín Fierro según Carlos Astrada y Rodolfo Kusch -- Donde el barro se subleva -- La rehabilitación del saber seminal como camino hacia una mística popular -- Kusch y el impulso social de nuestra época -- La barbarización de la civilización, una grieta de antaño -- ¿De dónde pensarnos?
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    Chinsil ŭl ch'annŭn pŏttŭl ege.Sŏk-hŏn Ham - 2009 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Han'gilsa.
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  37.  8
    Thā rū-- (kū)-- tham pai nān lǣo.Natphoptham Thananmēthākō̜n - 2009 - Krung Thēp Mahā Nakhō̜n: Samnakphim ʻAmarin Thamma.
    Theravada Buddhist teachings and philosophies, and the cause and effect of human deeds.
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  38.  13
    Hyŏndae pŏphak yŏnʼgu.Chae-chʻŏn Yi - 2006 - Sŏul-si: Taejin.
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  39.  6
    Taʼammulāt fī al-falsafah al-muʻāṣirah: al-ḥaqīqah, al-zamān, al-wujūd al-insānī.Sāmiyah ʻAbd al-Raḥmān - 2018 - al-Qāhirah: Majāz lil-Tarjamah wa-al-Nashr.
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  40.  6
    Mā bayna al-shakk wa-al-yaqīn: kitāb li-man yajruʼūn.Jūd Abū Ṣawwān - 2019 - Bayrūt, Lubnān: Bīsān.
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  41. segi Chungguk kŭndae chisik ŭi suyong kwa Chang Chi-dong : Chang Chi-dong ŭi "Kwŏnhak p'yŏn" ŭl chungsim ŭro.Yun Chi-wŏn - 2019 - In Kyŏng-nam Kim, Chisik ŭi kujo wa Han, Chung, Il chisik chihyŏng pyŏnhwa ŭi t'amsaek. Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Kyŏngjin Ch'ulp'an.
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  42.  7
    Aquinói Szent Tamás nyomán: a Magyarországi Aquinói Szent Tamás Társaság konferenciái 2004-2005.István Gábor Cselényi, Bulcsú Hoppál Kál & József Kormos (eds.) - 2007 - Budapest: [Magyarországi Aquinói Szent Tamás Társaság].
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  43.  10
    A szabadság felelőssége: írások a 65 éves Dénes Iván Zoltán tiszteletére.Iván Zoltán Dénes, Ferenc Pénzes, Sándor Rács & László Tóth-Matolcsi (eds.) - 2011 - Debrecen: Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó.
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  44. Munhak kwa yesul ŭi silchʻŏn nolli.Ŭn Ko (ed.) - 1983 - Sŏul-si: Silchʻŏn Munhaksa.
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  45. Đi tìm một căn bản tư tưởng.Xuân Hồng Nghiêm - 1964 - Saigon: Quan Điẻ̂m.
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    al-Fikr al-falsafī al-muʻāṣir fī Lubnān =.Anṭuwān Sayf - 2017 - Bayrūt: Markaz Dirāsāt al-Waḥdah alʻArabīyah. Edited by Mushīr Bāsīl ʻAwn.
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  47. Sobre el sistema jurídico y su creación.Rolando Tamayo Y. Salmorán - 1976 - México: Universidad Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas.
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  48. Triết học Mác-Lênin về con người và việc xây dựng con người Việt Nam trong thời kỳ công nghiệp hóa, hiện đại hóa: sách tham khảo.Thiện Vương Vũ - 2001 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Chính trị quốc gia.
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  49. Del paralelismo lógico normativo-proposicional a la interpretación del derecho.Roque Carrión Wam - 2018 - In Francisco Miró Quesada Rada, Los cien años de Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias: (homenaje). Lima, Perú: El Comercio.
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  50.  14
    Kong, ch'ŏnha ŭi kijun i toeda: wangjo sillok ŭl t'onghae pon Chosŏn sidae kong tamnon.Kŭn-ho Yi - 2018 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Kŭl Hangari.
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